NEW! Advanced cropping module with rotation and horizon correction
Crop your photos manually or choose from the suggested crop formats: 1/1; 16/9; 3/4 etc.
You can also rotate your images and adjust the angle.

NEW! Tone Curves Module
Play with the tone curves to obtain light or dark hues and adjust the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) curves one by one.
Settings module:
Temperature, Hue, Exposure, Brightness, Contrast, Shadows, Highlights, Clarity, Saturation

IMPROVED! interface and workspace
The new version has an attractive, ultra-modern user interface designed for even easier use.
NEW! Find tutorial videos for each Photo Focus module
To get the most out of Photo Focus features, mini videos have been added to each of the software program's modules in the form of tooltips, making it easier and more effective to use.
The old and new features of the program are explained in a fun and dynamic way. Simply hover over one of the features to reveal a demonstration of what you can do with it.