InPixio Photo Maximizer Professional

High precision zoom without quality loss

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InPixio Photo Maximizer Professional
High precision zoom without quality loss
High precision zoom without quality loss
High precision zoom without quality loss
High precision zoom without quality loss
High precision zoom without quality loss

  • Magnify up to 1000%
  • Ultra-powerful zoom - 7 algorithms
  • Define presets and process in batches
  • Print oversized images and posters
  • Touch-ups and enhancements in one click
  • Enlarge your photos and improve their quality
  • NEW! Tone Curve module to adjust RGB



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Enlarge the smallest details from your favorite photos

Ultra powerful zoom function which can enlarge images by up to 1000%

With 7 zoom algorithms, Photo Maximizer can tell you the target size of the image in pixels or centimeters. The required resolution can also be adjusted to give you flawless results. This is particularly important when printing your photos and guarantees you the highest quality results.  


Zoom your images and maintain extremely sharp edges

Usually when you enlarge an image you get pixilation and deterioration of color and brightness. Photo Maximizer maintains image quality and undesirable noise. With InPixio Photo Maximizer say goodbye to pixelated, grainy and blurred photos when zooming in.


Before/after comparison

Display up to four different zoom settings simultaneously! Compare the images and choose the best result!

Enlarge photos on your PC, mobile, camera, etc. 

Simply transfer your photos to your PC and zoom away! 

Print projects

Print your enlarged images as posters, photos for framing, t-shirts, postcards and more. 

Batch processing - one thousand photos in one step - Pro Version

Define your zoom settings and Photo Maximizer will batch process up to 1000 images simultaneously!

Creating presets - Pro Version

Create and save your own settings (presets) so you can use them again later: turn your photos into works of art! Each image processing setting can be saved as a preset for subsequent use. Simplify your work without having to reconfigure your settings!



Discover the possibilities of Photo Maximizer! Back to the top

Enlarge extracts from your photos with
no loss of quality!


Enlarge entire photos by up to 1000%



Enlarging photos without Photo Maximizer often results in pixelated images.


Enlarge photos downloaded from the Internet

Without InPixio                                With InPixio



Create poster size prints!


Enlarge up to 1000%!




Editing tools Back to the top

NEW! Advanced cropping module with rotation and horizon correction 

Crop your photos manually or choose from the suggested crop formats: 1/1; 16/9; 3/4 etc.
You can also rotate your images and adjust the angle.

Tone Curves Module

Play with the tone curves to obtain light or dark hues and adjust the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) curves one by one.

Settings module:

Temperature, Hue, Exposure, Brightness, Contrast, Shadows, Highlights, Clarity, Saturation




Noise reduction module

Effectively reduces the noise present in your photos taken under restricted light conditions.

Sharpness module
 - Only in Pro Version

Reinforce sharpness to reveal all the details of your enlarged images

Film grain module - Only in Pro Version

Enhance your prints by adding great-looking film grain.



Visual overview and Getting started Back to the top

Improved! InPixio enlargement algorithm

The "InPixio" enlargement method has been significantly improved, so you can enlarge images and still get Improved definition and quality during processing. The outlines of enlarged areas are also more precise. 

Improved! interface and workspace 

The new version has an attractive, ultra-modern user interface designed for even easier use.

NEW! Find tutorial videos for each Photo Maximizer module

To get the most out of Photo Maximizer features, mini videos have been added to each of the software program's modules in the form of tooltips, making it easier and more effective to use. 

The old and new features of the program are explained in a fun and dynamic way. Simply hover over one of the features to reveal a demonstration of what you can do with it.



System Requirements
Version 5
  • Windows 10
  • Pentium IV 1.2 GHz and compatible processors
  • 1 GB RAM 
  • 15 MB hard disk memory



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